people are just as deranged as i am with similarly delusional beliefs with the same level of unpredictability of life, but yet people are normal. there are 2 types of people who are labeled as "robots", those who are isolated and mysterious and those who are extroverted and well known. the extroverted like what everyone else likes and have socially acceptable interests. while they are not called an abnormal robot, yet i am. it's more ironic that those tell me that i am abnormal, a strange robot or even mentally disturbed. i am treated as being abhorrent for being so much more creative than so many others.

nothing is really, really your own. everything you make is just a mish mash of several others creations. even if you make something from paint and pencils, it's truly not yours. sure, you may have "drawn" it, but without others art made from others made from others yadaydayada and a manufacturer for your suppiles, you couldn't have made it. if you make your brush from dirt and sticks, its again not your own. people had to be there for the world to adapt for human life for the dirt and trees to be there. humans millions of years ago werent original then. dinosaurs also severely impacted the earth into the way it is. you would have to be the universe. but something must've created the universe. god could have not created the universe because there would have to be something there to spawn him in. it couldn't have been a black void of nothingness because something would have to had made that nothingness. what is nothing? nothing is something since "nothing there" means something is there; that something is nothing.

if a charachter broke the fourth wall by acknowledging they broke the fourth wall, this would mean there is an "eighth wall" (or "fifth wall", if you are a hipster) but there is a possible way to break the eighth wall, so, when could it end? if your perspective is that reality does not exist, is it a fourth wall break?

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but it's definitely strange how some places on google maps are blurred out, even in places that dont make sense. several places in the arctic mountains are blurred out even in places nobody goes to, or just some islands likethese. definitely suspicious. but it could definitely be googles terrible face recognition that automatically blurs all faces. i mean, they literally blurred out the statue of liberties face and a dogs butt.

haven't updated this site in a while. not sure what to even do with it. i don't have anymore schizobabbel for here right now, this is just me trying to make sure i wont forget about this site and make another.

today i went insane and had what i think is a psychotic episode and i drew some stuff