god will make me make the sky brown again. my grasp is ever tearing down intro the shreds of hell we call conscious, yet i feel nothing. i see nothing. it's as if im drifting along as a message in a bottle going to a destination I'll never reach. i say "vorig" as i drag my feet across the hot coal, ignoring the excruciating pain. "why do i continue to walk?" i walk because i want to feel pain. i walk because i have nowhere to go. nothing to do. nothing to be, either then an endless cycle of misery plauging the earths core. i was made for this if i can endure it. i slackingly head towards the sun. the sky is getting dark as i feel a strong tingling sensation, my body shakes. i feel something. accomplishment? anger? pain? sadness? no. i feel a sense of belonging. a belonging of being a spec of reality. continuously walking for no reason with no goals. im not fully here.

und die